IHP unit is an individual heat station located in a residential building and used to transfer heat from a common network to the internal heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems. The location of such heating units is not regulated by law, but usually they are located in the basement or technical area of the building.
Why do we need IHP?
Like most of the latest appliances used at home, individual heat points are designed to improve the supply and consumption of energy, in this case heat energy. This leads to a more rational allocation of resources. That is why it is reasonable to say that any IHP unit is needed for:
Possibility of saving on heat energy consumption. If the building uses an old, non-automated IHP system, the cost of heat energy is up to 40% more than with the use of modern devices;
Heat supply automation. The latest IHP models make it possible to adjust the flow of heat oriented to the outside air temperature, the need to provide the necessary temperature conditions inside the room, etc., automatic adjustment of daily temperature, and also correction of volume of the given heat on holidays and days off;
Eliminate the need for continuous monitoring of indicators. Modern heating units do not need vigilant control by operators, they are safer and more functional.
The transition from the old options of individual heat points to the new ones allows for a more rational use of heat energy, providing a cost-effective approach to resource allocation. Buying and installing a new point will be paid off in just a few seasons. Additional condition in favor of buying a new IHP unit is that it is possible to replace expensive parts with cheaper ones, for example, with low load it is possible to refuse from the regulating valve in favor of inexpensive intermittent solenoid.