Heat energy is a unit of measurement of heat, focusing on which the tenants of multi-family and private buildings receive their bills. The amount of heat energy influences the warmth in the building, the temperature of water from the "hot water" tap and the efficiency of the ventilation system.
The urgency of the installation of climate control devices
In order to avoid losses of valuable heat energy, individual heat points are equipped with climate control system. This design is intended to address a number of issues, among which are the following:
Getting rid of "overheating", when the heat energy goes nowhere, the room heated, but it is extremely hot, spent heat energy is superfluous, as well as the funds that tenants spend in the expense of payment.
Elimination of the necessity to pay for heat energy during the hours when its consumption does not occur. These are the costs of heat energy consumption at night, when the tenants do not use hot water and do not need intensive ventilation.
Any climate control system gives an opportunity to eliminate the necessity to pay for heat energy during holidays, when the warmth is required in minimum volume.
Quality climate control system, operating in automatic mode, not only reduces the cost of heat energy up to 40% in some cases, but also makes possible a more rational allocation of resources, which has a positive impact on overall energy efficiency Structure. And if each apartment and building will be equipped with obligatory accounting devices, losses and overspending can be minimized.
The system can always be installed not only on the new, but also on the old heating unit. The main thing is to choose the right design and install it in accordance with Standards and requirements, which are detailed in the FZ No. 261 "On energy efficiency...".