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Energy Audit


Energy efficiency classes in Russia

For a long time, the construction of residential houses was conducted without considering their energy efficiency.

Methods used to determine energy efficiency class

The concern for rational distribution of energy resources forces the developers and inspectors of appropriate organizations to identify the class of energy efficiency of the building.

Basic requirements of Federal law "On energy saving and on the increase of energy efficiency"

Increasing energy efficiency is the task of every conscious citizen. But the state does not plan in this critical issue to rely solely on the civil responsibility of the people.

Energy efficiency classes in the Russian and foreign system

The energy efficiency of a building means how rationally the resources are used.

Methods of determining the class of energy efficiency of the building

The owners and service companies in multi-apartment residential buildings have been faced with a new task since 2009: the law imposes them to determine the class of energy efficiency of t

The dependence of the payment of utility services on the class of energy efficiency of the building

To determine the class of energy efficiency of the MBA, it is necessary not only to consume resources more rationally, saving the planet.

Description of the energy efficiency class plates

Federal Law No. 261 "On energy saving" obliged all owners of apartment buildings to install on the facades of buildings special plates indicating energy efficiency class.
